The system-wide Public Engagement Council (PEC) serves as the University of Minnesota's consultative body for issues pertaining to the University’s public engagement agenda. The work of PEC informs the University's senior officers and governing bodies on critical and important issues regarding publicly-engaged work across the University system. The council’s recommendations and initiatives focus on improving the University structures, policies, procedures, and programs in ways that further the institutionalization of all forms of public engagement and the alignment of the public engagement agenda to the University’s key strategic priorities. PEC's five full council meetings are held during the academic year, usually in October, November, December, February, and April (refer to the PEC schedule below for actual meeting dates). Additional meetings may be called as needed.
PEC’s work involves consultative, executive, and steering duties, encompassing the following responsibilities:
- To discuss with the University Executive Vice President and Provost and other relevant officers issues or policies concerning the advancement of publicly-engaged research, teaching, and outreach, and to make recommendations concerning such matters to relevant bodies for their consideration, review, or approval, as appropriate;
- To initiate examinations or studies of public engagement, as it deems necessary and appropriate, or to request such studies from other senior academic officers or other relevant committees or councils;
- To work with the Office for Public Engagement and its Associate Vice President to help implement key public engagement policies and initiatives that have been approved by the Executive Vice President and Provost and official governance bodies;
- To serve as a deliberative body of the University on all major items pertaining to the advancement of publicly-engaged research, teaching, and outreach;
- To evaluate and respond to public engagement-related actions taken or issues presented by University committees or individual units and departments;
- To appoint special committees or subcommittees or to employ other devices it deems necessary and appropriate for advancing the public engagement agenda;
- To appoint and oversee committees of the Council to address various issues that arise;
- To receive, respond to, refer, or act upon public engagement-related recommendations or issues presented to the Council by University senior academic administration, governance committees, or other units, departments, or programs;
- To route to the appropriate bodies proposals, recommendations, or papers relevant to the work of other committees and councils;
- To discuss and track agenda items pertaining to the advancement of the University’s public engagement agenda;
- To report any matters pertaining to public engagement which, in the Council’s judgment, should be brought to the attention of the University community at large.
How do I bring concerns or issues to the attention of PEC?
Individuals, groups, or units interested in having PEC review particular issues concerning public engagement should complete the Public Engagement Council Issue Review Submission process. The council will consider only those proposals that focus on public engagement-related issues that have campus-wide or system-wide implications. Please consult with the Office for Public Engagement prior to completing or submitting your form to determine whether the issue you wish to put forth is appropriate for the council’s agenda.
What happens to the issues that are brought to the council?
The members of PEC will review the proposals or requests submitted and, in turn, will determine which issues they plan to pursue and discuss. If PEC members decide not to pursue an issue, they will state the reason(s) and, if appropriate, suggest next steps (e.g., forward the proposal/request to another committee or council whose responsibilities are more aligned with the issue). If PEC members decide to discuss the issue, the details of the council’s discussion and any actions taken will be detailed in PEC’s meeting minutes. Individuals or groups submitting proposals or requests may be asked to attend a PEC meeting in order to address specific questions from council members.
PEC Members
PEC consists of members appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost. The Council is chaired by the Vice Provost for Public Engagement.
Laurie Van Egeren, Vice Provost for Public Engagement
2023-2024 Academic Year Members
- Lynn Borden, Associate Dean, Extension
- Norman Clark, Administrative Director of Academic Programs, University of Minnesota Rochester
- Saara DeWalt, Dean, College of Biological Sciences
- Tina Erazmus, Director Local Government and Community Relations, Government and Community Relations
- Keri Hager, Associate Dean, College of Pharmacy
- Mary Hanneman, Representative, Community Campus Liaison Council
- Bonnie Keeler, Faculty-at-Large
- Scott Lanyon, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education
- Beth Lewis, Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs
- Argie Manolis, Director, Clifford J. Benson Center for Community Partnerships, University of Minnesota Morris
- Robert McMaster, Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education
- Jen Mencl, Associate Vice Chancellor, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Calvin Phillips, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
- Shashank Priya, Vice President for Research
- Mercedes Ramirez Fernandez, Vice President for Equity and Diversity
- Michael Rodriguez, Dean, College of Education and Human Development
- Milena Saqui-Salces, Interim Associate Dean, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
- Teresa Spaeth, Venden Chair of Rural Development, University of Minnesota Crookston
- David Weerts, Faculty Director of Academic Planning and Programs, Office for Public Engagement
- Sarah Westberg, Associate Dean, College of Pharmacy